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風の森 露葉風 507 純米酒風の森 露葉風 507 純米酒

Brands from Yucho Shuzo


1160, Gose, Nara
map of Yucho Shuzo
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Hot pot and sake on a cold day like this. Kaze no Mori's standard product is made with 50% polished rice from dewy leaves grown under contract in Mikue-mura, Nara Prefecture, and slowly fermented at low temperature for a long time using No. 7 yeast and ultra-hard brewing water. It has a sweet and sour taste reminiscent of white strawberries and pineapples, a nice gasiness, and a good minerality and complexity from the brewing water. I wanted to immerse myself in the spiciness of the hotpot with the fine sweetness of sake, but the quintessential hotpot was too strong. The fine flavor of the wind forest lost its reaction with the numbness of my tongue. What a waste 😭
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. Yes, a little hot pot 🍲 is good on a cold night 🥶🤗 but be careful not to make it too spicy🥵 Thanks for the ⚠️ reminder😅
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛The deep sweetness of sake must be savored carefully at times 🤭Hot pot, too spicy 🤣.

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