いーじーPurchased at a liquor store.
Extremely rare?
Drink it cold.
The aroma is mild.
Gentle sweetness spreads gradually in the mouth.
Sake from Shimane has an image of being soft-water and somewhat heavy, but it was modern light and easy to drink.
The aftertaste is normal.
Even sake beginners can drink it. グラHi Eiji, nice to meet you. I also purchased it from the same liquor store. I have the same impression that it was modern and easy to drink. いーじーHi Gula, nice to meet you!
I see you bought it at the same liquor store! I asked the manager for a recommendation for a sweet modern type and he recommended Yamaguchi's romm and this TANE, I chose the latter 😂 it was light and gentle and delicious! グラIwami Ginzan is a major sake brewed by a beautiful female toji. Of course, this is her first brand.
It has a strawberry-like aroma and a fresh, sweet and sour taste. You can drink it smoothly with low alcohol content. とても元気TANE - Fire - Smells like brown sugar.
Like when you drink good water. Alcoholic feeling lingers. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title