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モダン仙禽 推町 無ろ過生原酒モダン仙禽 推町 無ろ過生原酒


106 Baba, Sakura, Tochigi
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Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll take it easy. The doggy is relentlessly biting me to take off my socks, but I'm going to try to be at peace with it. Modern Sentori (fast brewing) is the standard Sentori lineup. There are four other brands: Classic Sentori (Nama-moto), the completely additive-free Natur Series, and the Premium Series. This Modern Sentori Omachi, as well as Kame-no-o, is made from the harvest in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture, Sentori's hometown. Domaine Sakura, Sentori's ultra-soft brewing water, and rice fields harvested from the same water vein. The rice is polished to 50% Yamadanishiki and 60% Omachi. First, a sip. Sweet and sour! A hint of grapefruit-like bitterness. It's so good! It is strong, clear, and refreshing. It is easy to drink. Good for weekdays because you can drink it without being afraid. I paired it with Japanese pasta with canned mackerel, garlic, hawk claws, tomatoes, and broccoli. The broccoli soaked up the flavor of the canned mackerel. A dash of Senkou for aroma. It made a weekday evening special!
Good morning, marumaruo 😃. Modern Oumachi raw is my favorite Sentori 🤗It's always just right 😋and outstandingly delicious 🥹.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I think I know what you mean when you say, "It's always just right". I think I prefer the Natur series 🤔No, they are all delicious and I can't choose my favorite yet. o இ