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Brands from 千年一酒造


Nakakita-2485-1 Kuruma, Awaji, Hyogo
map of 千年一酒造
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A pure rice ginjo sake made by Sennenichi Shuzo, a sake brewery on Awaji Island. It is a rare brew that does not come out of Awaji Island. It has a sweet ginjo aroma that rises up when you pour it into the glass. It is light on the palate, with a hint of amino acid flavor spreading on the tongue, a light ginjo aroma that passes through the nose, and a gentle sweetness and slight acidity on the finish. This is a refined and refreshing sake that has the goodness of our original sake, with the amino acid flavor, the sweetness of the rice and the acidity well balanced. This one is priced a bit higher (2000 yen/720mL). This brewery has a Junmai Daiginjo sake called Jun-Junu, which is one rank higher, and I'd love to drink that too if I ever come across it!

Brands from 千年一酒造