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4091 Yaotsu, Kamo-gun, Gifu
map of 花盛酒造
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Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka ⑥. Hanazakari" booth. The brand name is "Hanazakari" and the brewer is Hanamori Shuzo, which is a bit of a twist. This is also a brand I had never seen before. Hanazakari Junmai Daiginjo 39 Shizuku, bag suspension, natural drip. It is made with Yamadanishiki. It has a strong umami at the beginning and a clean aftertaste. It is very polished, but the fact that it has this much umami is nice and tasty. It has a bit of spiciness at the end. Hanazakari Junmai Daiginjo 50 Shizuku, bag suspension, natural hanging. It is also dark and sweet from the beginning, sweeter than the 39th. It is dark but tastes good without any bitterness. It has a bitter aftertaste. Hanazakari Junmai Omachi Shizuku Fukuro-hozuri Shizen Hashidari It has the Omachi-like umami that I imagined, and the sweetness is just right. This is my favorite of the day so far. Omachi is a high quality rice, so even if it is 60% polished, it is bag-husked. Junmai Ginjo standard and above are all bag-husked, which takes a lot of time and effort, and the taste is clear and free from any other flavors.
Hello Nemuchi-san! I asked the liquor store that was at the event if they would have Omachi in stock since they were handling it 😅. I asked him if he would get Omachi, but he said it's hard to get it because we always sell out and he didn't have any other Omachi 😅.
Good evening, bouken🌛I see you also carry this sake 😳I had a pretty good impression of it when I tried it, but it's not very popular except for Omachi 😅I guess liquor stores have a lot of work to do with their customers 💦.
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MyDome Osaka (マイドームおおさか)
Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka ⑥. This is a small brewery with a production of about 80 koku. I have drunk it a few times because I sometimes find it at Icoma Sake Shop. The one I drank was Hanazakari Junmai Daiginjo 39 Yamadanishiki Unfiltered Nama Shuzuku Hyogo Yamadanishiki, Sake degree +2, 3,700 yen It's a Junmai Daiginjo, but it's dark and has great flavor! Hanazakari Junmai Daiginjo 50 Unfiltered Nama Shizuku Hidahomare, Gohyakumangoku, Sake Brix -6 Similar taste to 39, but sweeter. I've had a regular unfiltered nama sake in the past that wasn't the SHIZUKU and I thought it tasted quite different 🤔. Hanazakari Junmai Omachi Unfiltered Nama-shu Shizuku Polishing ratio 60% Okayama Omachi Sake Brix -5 Sweet and tasty sake with the Omachi character in full bloom. Nemuchi said it was the best tasting sake, but then it was updated to another sake several times 😁. Ikoma Sake Shop was also at the event and said Oumachi was delicious. We met a few more times after this and asked for recommendations and not-so-good ones 😊. Nemuchi-san said it's nice when we agree 😆. For some reason I felt relieved when we agreed on the "not so good" ones 😇.
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My local liquor store carries it, and I bought it because they haven't had it in stock for a while since the Corona disaster. It is a small brewery with a production of 80 koku. There are several breweries that produce less than 80 koku, and I already feel uncomfortable with the name of "the smallest brewery in Japan" 😅. If it was the smallest famous brewery in Japan, it would be perfect. The only sake I've ever had before was one that had been sitting in a store for about 2 years, so this was my first time to try it in fresh condition. The rice is Gohyakumangoku. Beautiful, clean, fruity and complex at the same time. A little bitter and spicy at the end. It is fruity and dry. The second half has a strong alcohol taste. A bit of woody feeling. After a night of drinking, I feel that the peculiarity of the wine has weakened a little and it has become easier to drink. After a few days, the fruity taste is stronger, but the woody taste is also stronger and more peculiar 🤣. The store I bought it from only had this one, but I'm sure the bagged version with the same specs would be better 🤔.
はなざかりしぼりたて しずく特別純米原酒生酒袋吊り無濾過
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岐阜のお酒。 香りはあまり無いけど僅かに桃の様な香り。初め甘み感じるけど後から苦味がやってくる。6月製造なので長期在庫だったみたいやけど元からこういう味なのかな?