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Since ancient times, the city has nurtured a "culture of prayer and fruitfulness," expressing gratitude to nature for the blessings of the four seasons. The second of the four seasonal divisions, Risshun, is celebrated on February 17. On February 17, which falls on Risshun (the first day of spring in the four solar terms), prayer festivals are held at shrines across Japan to pray for a bountiful harvest, followed by the start of rice planting preparations on April 5, which falls on Seimei Day in the 24th solar term. In conjunction with this, they hold a fertility festival on April 5 to pray for a good harvest of rice. Sake breweries in each area brew their famous sake using locally grown rice. This sake had a gentle aroma and a refreshing taste. I enjoyed this sake as a food sake. It can be served with both Japanese and Chinese food. The sake rice is 55% polished Hitanishiki.

Brands from Raifuku Shuzo