SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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When I went upstairs, I found many unopened bottles of alcohol. I was allowed to open two of them that I was interested in. I asked Mr. O, the waiter, who is a good friend of mine, to let me open them. I've had Fukkai Yamadanishiki several times, but this was my first time to try Namaishime! I thought the nama-shu was somehow fresher and tastier! This time I felt sourness in this sake! I wonder if it would have tasted better if it had been stirred a little more thoroughly when it was just opened. Knowledge Ingredients: Yamadanishiki Rice Polishing Ratio: Undisclosed Alcohol content: 14
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Late reservation I came here the day before, but I didn't want to drink sake. I came here the day before, but I didn't want to drink sake. We had found some good sake in the cold storage, so we will start drinking it tonight! A new brand of sake we had in Kumamoto the other day, Fukkai! Last time I drank it raw, and this time it's hi-ire! It is a mild sake 🍶. It has a pleasant aroma! We will drink it while eating edamame (green soybeans) I'm going to drink more 🍶. a little bit of knowledge Ingredients: rice, rice malt Ingredients & Details Yamadanishiki Alcohol content 14

Brands from Fukuda Shuzo