SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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At the beginning of this week, I went to Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture. Even though I took the Shinkansen, it was still a long way and tiring. Well, I decided to go to an izakaya (Japanese-style bar) near where I was staying. We were full, but we had some yakitori and some local sake 🍶. I found out from my preliminary research that there is a sake from Kameyama called Uki Momiji🍁 on .........😃. It is sold by Yamagataya Sake Shop in Kameyama City, but manufactured by Wakabisu Sake Brewery in Iga, according to the website. I ordered it with yakitori (grilled chicken) and to my surprise it came with an atmospheric Masu ✨. The first sip was sweet with a hint of fruit. It's not too spicy, but it has a nice sharpness to it 😄. It goes very well with the saltiness of the yakitori 😆. We had three cups of Uki Momiji alone! I would like to have it again if I have a chance ☺.
Good morning, Yasusake 😃. I see you were in Mie! Is it a business trip? Good job 😌Yakitori and local sake! The same No. 3 was that good 🤗. Maybe you could have bought some souvenirs and izakaya 🏮 shinkansen 🚄😆.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! I was in Mie on business 🚄. I had to take the opportunity to eat some of the "uki momiji" leaves since they don't seem to be available very often ❗ I wanted to have a drink on the way back home, but I had to drive to the station... 😰Next time 👍.

Brands from Wakaebisu Shuzo