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I had it cold. A little yellowish. Sake of Ora Prefecture (**) The aroma is weak because it is cold. It has a gentle aroma of rice. The taste is strong but gentle. I was tired that day, so I went to a local bird shop and had it with side dishes. We had it with side dishes. The strong sake flavor is perfectly matched with the rich taste of the meal. It is also good with sashimi salmon. It is good for a mid-meal meal. Thank you very much for the meal.
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Read as "Fujikura". Refrigerated storage! The store pop-up says, "Keep refrigerated! I had it cold. The aroma is like a clear and refreshing rum. It has a refreshing taste, but it is strong and nettlesome. (I thought it was a cat punch, but it was a human punch. (I thought it was a cat punch, but it was a human punch...) I don't have the vocabulary. I don't have it 😢) I had it with chili shrimp, soaked okra, chilled tofu, kimchi, etc. I think it goes well with various meals because of its punchy flavor. I also felt that the aroma of kimchi was flowing! Thank you very much! At Onuma Sake Shop, 1,450 yen (tax excluded)