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C&Cエンド 天六店

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Kikusui煌菊水 ねむり姫純米大吟醸生酒
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C&Cエンド 天六店
I bought this frozen raw sake along with the Sasanogawa I bought the other day. It is not from Niigata's Kikusui, but from Kochi's Kikusui Sake Brewery. It is dry, but fruity and sweet, and tastes better than I expected. It was best when it was in the process of melting. When completely melted, it is a thin and spicy sake...
Sasa no Kawa瞬香秀凍純米原酒生酒にごり酒発泡
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C&Cエンド 天六店
At an event held at Keihan Department Store, I was told by a Hakubotan sales person about stores that sold the frozen sake, so I went to buy some 😅I found only Sasanogawa and Kikusui in Kochi and bought some to try out. I bought it to try it 😅 It is a sake frozen in its entire bottle and sold in the freezer at the store. I dissolved it in running water and it was ready to drink. I was surprised at how strong and active it was 😳. It's dry and spicy, but also has a trace of sweetness. But I'm a little concerned about the strong alcohol taste. The one I had at the Japanese sake festival was warm, but I think it tastes better when it's perfectly chilled. I think it's a good experiment, but it's rather expensive because of the special equipment used 🤔. I've seen many products that cost over 1000 yen for 300ml. The Sasanogawa and Kikusui I bought this time were cheap, probably because they were getting rid of their stock 😊. They were sold at a Japanese sake festival, but I wonder if it's possible to keep them frozen and sell them at an outdoor event? It seems that refreezing is prohibited because of the possibility of breaking the bottles.