つとむTenko大竜爪Suruga ShuzojoShizuoka10/15/2023, 11:36:25 AM10/15/2023すしの壽々丸14つとむFirst time in Ito The first sake I encountered Deliciousness that matches its lovely name. Sweet and sharp Sharp and sharp Easy to drink but you can feel the strength in the back.Japanese>English
kubota40EikunEikun ShuzoShizuoka11/27/2021, 5:12:28 AM11/27/2021すしの壽々丸10kubota40Hyakko is the intestines of a manboob.Japanese>English
kubota40Tenko本醸造Suruga ShuzojoShizuoka11/27/2021, 4:44:10 AM11/27/2021すしの壽々丸11kubota40Anki, too, can't escape the albino.Japanese>English
kubota40HatsukameHatsukame ShuzoShizuoka11/27/2021, 4:20:07 AM11/27/2021すしの壽々丸10kubota40Would you like to start with sashimi at a sushi restaurant?Japanese>English