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2021 Shikoku Women's Football League "#Swallow Your Opponent🌺 Section 1 ⚽ Kochi Gakuen Kochi High School ⚽ Founded in 1903. The brewery is located in a quiet rural area by the sea between Kochi City and Cape Muroto, and has been pursuing the concept of freshness and juiciness to make sake more appealing to people who don't usually drink sake. Bokuchiri" means "just right" in the Tosa dialect. Bocchi" means "just right" in the Tosa dialect, and it is a gentle sake that tastes just right whether it is served cold or warmed. As is typical of Kochi sake, it has a crisp mouthfeel, but you can still taste the soft sweetness and umami of the rice. It's another sake to keep on hand for your evening drinks. 【Details Raw rice: 100% Matsuyama Mitsui Rice polishing ratio: 60%. Alcohol content: 15 degrees Sake degree: +5 Acidity: 1.4 (Refer to the product introduction on the official website and the product description on the website of the store where it is sold)