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Second drink. The fourth drink counting from the hotel. I drank the No. 1 Yoronotaki popular ranking. One sip and this is, purity. (^o^) In other words, the water is delicious (^o^). When I drink Nagano already, the first sip is the only one. But this purity is the best. The taste is sweet and gentle. I wonder what kind of food it goes well with, maybe vinegar or chili pepper flavor. It heals acidity and spiciness. And it is gentle. (^o^)
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Yoronotaki had a great selection of local sake. Don't lick it. I experienced this in Hachinohe once, but you can enjoy the local flavor. I was wondering if the Laughing Turtle was dry, but it was a sweeter version at minus 9. I thought it was dry, but it was sweet at minus 9. Well, it seems dry no matter how you drink it. The aroma of so-called sake comes with a bang, and the water tastes delicious. I realize that Nagano and Matsumoto have good water for every sake. Nagano is a city of great water and sake.