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木曽路KISOJI 山恵錦 火入 2023純米原酒
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It is the local brand of Kuroemon XVI. 100% Yamae-Nishiki from Nagano Prefecture Polishing ratio 65 Alcohol 15 Fresh apple aroma, fruity even when chilled and drunk 🍏. Sweet, soft and refreshing. It is fire-ripened but fresh and delicious! On the second day, it has a clear 🍏 flavor. The sweetness is also increased and combined together, which is my favorite taste. ❣️ Day 3, fruity, more relaxed and sake-like. Fourth day, sake-like but modern, with an increased sweetness. Fruity, refreshing and drinkable. The change in taste is also enjoyable. Too bad we don't see this in the Kansai region💦. Helping out at YOMOYAMA NAGANO on the 17th Other Kuroemon Juroemon XVI, I missed taking a picture, but here they are Yamahai Junmai Miyamanishiki 13sei, low alcohol and refreshing 🍏. Junmai Kinmon-Nishiki Nama 🍈, sweet with a hint of 🍈. Yamahai Junmai Omachi Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama Nama I was able to learn a lot from the brewer, distributors, restaurants, and the general public from the opposite side of the table from usual! Thank you to Usagigoten for teaching me so much, Kyuzo, Yasube, Aladdin, and Nemuchi for coming 🙏 I was very happy and powerful 😊. It made me very happy and gave me a lot of strength😊.
Thanks for volunteering for the event, Pon 😄! It was a pleasure to meet you ☺️ Thanks to volunteers like Pon-chan, we had more than enough time to enjoy Nagano's sake 😊.
Thanks for volunteering at the event, Pon-chan 😊Nagano sake and Pon-chan, I wish I could have been there 😭I can see from your photos that it was a great success and lively 👍
Good evening, Pon-chan. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the Nagano sake event 😭 I envy you for participating as a staff member, it's a whole different experience than drinking as a customer! I was drinking Kinmon-nishiki from Kuroemon XVI last week 😊.
Pon. Good evening... It's nice to have a connection with Sake no Wa👍. I hope to meet you and everyone else someday 🤩.
Good evening, Pon 😀. Thanks for your hard work the other day 🙏. It was fun talking with Pon-chan after a long time😇 Juroemon 16th Kuroemon is also a delicious sake and I enjoyed going to Pon-chan's booth😇
Hi Pon 😃 Thanks for volunteering as a staff member 😌It must be energizing to see a familiar face 🤗. I've always wanted to try Kisoji, but I've never met anyone 🥲I guess I'll have to go there!
Thank you for coming, Aladdin 🙏It was a pleasure meeting you too 😊. I wish I could have learned more about the delicious sake! I only wish I could have learned more to tell you about them 💦 that's a subject for next time 😁.
Thank you, Waka 😊. By the time the general public arrived, it was hard to believe it was a weekday! By the time it was time for tasting, there was only one type of Shinshu Kamerei left 😳. We want to make sure that more good sake that is not well known sees the light of day 😊.
Hi Peco 🐦! Have you had Kinmon-nishiki? Kinmonnishiki and Omachi were very popular at the tasting...please let me know what you think 😊🙏🙏. I need to learn more about the basics 😅.
Hi Koizo 🐦. I was surprised to see that everyone bought tickets without knowing it 😳I was so happy because it was my first time and I was nervous 🥹. Please let me know when you come to Kansai! I'll be in the Kanto area someday 😁.
Yasbay, it was a pleasure to talk to you and to have you with us! Thank you very much 😊. It's great that you could remember the taste by the way! I can't drink on an empty stomach, so it was great to get your recommendation 🙏.
Thank you Jay & Nobby 😊I was nervous the whole time so I appreciated your support 😆. This sake seemed to be sold everywhere I went in Kiso, but I regret not buying it 😭.