SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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At the end of May, my father told me he was going on a trip to Fukuoka, so I asked him to buy me some "Yuma" and he bought me three kinds: "Yuma", "Nanayo White Label" and "Amabuki" 😁. We arranged a date to drink next time and spent the morning pruning the kazukaibuki and the afternoon helping my wife cultivate a field she had started to expand 💦. After a refreshing bath, we started drinking 🍻. First, I quenched my thirst with a beer to replenish my lost water content, and now, I'm ready to drink 🍶. Yuma Nama Nama-zake This sake was entrusted to us by Mr. Yuha last year from the Fukuoka Sake-no-wa Kai and brought to the Kansai Sake-no-wa Off-line Meeting. It was so shockingly delicious when we drank it last year that we wanted to repeat the experience ✨. The slightly fruity aroma of rice, the sweet umami taste that permeates through the body, and the crisp, clear, refreshing aftertaste... I guess this refreshing feeling that permeates through the body is connected to the [sense of speed] that the sake brewer claims 😋. It was a night to enjoy sake with my father drinking "Yuma" and "VEGA" which we opened the other day, and discussing our impressions of it.
Hi, Gyve. You got some good sake as a souvenir: 👍️ I'm sure it must have been a special treat after sweating so much 🎵. I thought it was very nice to have a sake discussion with your father ✨.
Hi Gyve, good evening 😃. Yuma, good one. ☺️ It's delicious 🤤. Personally, I have a problem with drinking sake that I can't buy unless I go to Kyushu 😅. It must be sobering to have a drink with your dad after a long day of work 😊.
Hi Jive-san, good evening 😃Yuma, my family just received it as a souvenir from Fukuoka the other day. It was so nice to talk with you and your son over a delicious sake 😊💕.
Hello, ma-ki-! As the temperature is getting warmer and warmer, it's the time of the year to enjoy low alcohol drinks 😁. It's good to drink once in a while while we can both enjoy drinking ✨.
Hi Aladdin ☀☀☀. I couldn't forget the shock last summer so I begged for it 😁. I'm always on the lookout for people going to Kyushu because you can buy "Yuma" at [Sumiyoshi Sake Shop] in Hakata station 🤣.
Hello, Wakata! Oh! I see that the Wakata family has already stocked up on "Yuma" 😁. It's difficult to drink too much when drinking with my dad because of his fast pace 😅.
Hi Gyve 😃 I heard that there is only one place in Fukuoka that sells this rare sake ✨I would like to try it 😊.
Hi Jive, good evening 😃😃This is the drink that Yoohee had with him when he chartered the train 🎵I haven't seen this drink since then and I'm very jealous! ✨Your kind father 😆
Good evening, Gyve 😃. Yuma! Every time I go up at Sake no Wa, I feel like drinking 🥹I hope it comes to Kanto soon 😚Yuma & VEGA will be a great talk 🤗.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve. ⭐︎ I know you all have been following this 👍. I also stop by Fukuoka every time I go back to Nagasaki and buy some ✨. Ahhh, it's one of the things I want to drink in the summer. ⛵️
Hi, Mr. Noodle Sake King ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. You have to go to Fukuoka to buy it, which is a hurdle, because it's a raw sake and there's the problem of taking it home💦. However, if you have the chance, it's worth a drink ✨.
Hi, pyonpyon ☀☀☀. Reminds me of last summer 😁. I can buy it if I go to Fukuoka, but the biggest problem is that I can't buy it if I don't go there💦. I hope to expand the sales channel 🤔
Hi Jay & Nobby! I'm planning on recommending this sake to anyone who goes to Fukuoka to buy some 🤣. My dad would have preferred it a bit more dry ✨.
Hi Yoohee ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. The summer heat makes me want to drink, perfect for the coming season 😁. I know what you mean about buying "yuma" every time you come home 😋. I still appreciate you teaching me ✨.