SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
片野桜百天満天 無濾過生原酒
片野桜 Check-in 1片野桜 Check-in 2
This time it is Hyakuten Manten. This sake was brewed by Yamano Sake Brewery using rice produced by the members of the Katano Orihime University Sake Making Group. The crystal color has a slight yellow tinge. The aroma on the nose is sweet and refreshing, with a hint of pear. The soft and fine effervescence on the palate gives way to a mild and full-bodied sweetness that contains the umami of rice and a fruity pear-like flavor. It has a refreshing aftertaste with just the right amount of bitterness. It is a gorgeous, mildly sweet sake that reminds one of spring. Hyakuten Manten is It tastes like someone who has enjoyed it. This is the only way to describe this sake. The moment when everyone toasts together at the new sake unveiling is the most delicious moment of all! I have enjoyed working in the rice paddies with everyone during the year I have been a part of the sake brewing group. This sake was filled with the steady efforts and kindness of everyone involved in the rice paddy work and the brewing of Hyakutenmanten😊.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃I am ashamed to say that this is the first time I heard about the sake making group. We grow our own rice, wow what a wonderful initiative💓Sake with that rice, and cheers, it looks so fun and delicious. ‼️
Hirupeko-san, good evening 🌛It's wonderful that you made sake from rice that you all made together ✨There are many delicious sake, but the best is the one that you have feelings for. ☺️
Good morning, Hirupeko: ☀️ (fresh sunny day today 😆). This is wonderful ✨✨If the rice that took a lot of time and effort to grow turns into sake at the end and we all toast to that, it really sounds like that experience by itself is so much better!
Hello, Wakata-san. Yes, it's a citizens' course, but it's interesting because it's like a serious club activity for adults! It's special to drink together with drinks that you worked on from pulling out the weeds yourself 😆.
Hi Mamio. I really feel that the most delicious sake is the one that you have a special attachment to. I was talking with some of my seniors, "The aroma is more gorgeous than last year's sake, but this moment is the best every year" 😊.
Hello, Yasu-san. It's really cold today, but the weather is nice. ☀️ I drank Hyakuten Manten before and was so impressed that everyone is making such a delicious sake that I joined the event. It's been a year of really good experiences😊.
Hi Peco 🐦 So you made sake from the rice you grew! Congratulations 🎉Making rice is hard work but this moment is the best 👍Taste of those who enjoyed it I wonder what it tastes like ✨I love the name Hyakutenmakuten 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan. The new Hyakuten Manten sake is ready! It's great to drink sake while reflecting on a year of fun 😆🍶✨I couldn't attend the brewing experience this year, so I'll look forward to it next year🤭.
Good evening, Hirupeko 😃. It must be a very nice experience to "taste the people who enjoyed it" and a fun emotion that you can't experience if you don't do it 🥹. I'm sure everyone who participated in this event is a hundred heavenly 💯. ☺️
Hi Hirupeko-san, good evening 🌛I'm sure the new sake you brewed, drank and enjoyed must be very special 😋It was a year of sake life just like the name of the brand 😆I would have joined if I wasn't working on Sunday 😭.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. It's called Katano Orihime University, and I can only thank you for joining this wonderful group 💫It's a wonderful name that also ties in with the fact that Hyakutenmanten is the legendary guess of the Milky Way in Katano City 😊.
Good evening, Nemuchi-san. I wish I could have joined you! I wish I could have been there with you, but my schedule didn't work out 🙏 I'm sorry for the hard work of the organizers 💦 I can feel the local love for Katano 😊.