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宮寒梅純米大吟醸 吟のいろは純米大吟醸
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Rafa papa
Miyakanbai Junmai Daiginjo Gin no Iroha May 5th is Children's Day 🎏. Maru-san and I went on a liquor store tour... The last one is Kinoshita Meishuuten 😊. This is the first Miyakanbai we chose ✌️‼️ I've been wanting to drink it for a while 😋. I knew I could buy it at Kinoshita if I used my points. I knew that... This day I found it in the regular fridge 😳⁉️ I had to look twice 👀. The clerk told me that they sometimes put rare sake The clerk told me that sometimes they put rare liquors secretly hidden in the fridge 🤣. So lucky ✌️‼️ It's as good as you'd expect 🤤. The aroma is gorgeous the moment you open it... The sweetness in the mouth is also gorgeous and expansive. However, it is not too assertive and very round. The acidity that comes afterwards is in perfect harmony Very good taste. The Gin-no-Iroha developed in Miyagi Prefecture... It's a very delicious sake rice 😋. I would like to try the main Miyamanishiki 😁.
Good morning, Rafa papa 😃! You have a lot of luck with the number of times you have been to the liquor store 👍I think it's great that you find it 🤗I haven't had a lot of Miyakanbai 🥲 so I will get it when I see it!
Rafa papa good morning 😁. Congratulations on your new year's harvest 🤗. Mr.Summer Time has recently started to ship, so if you see it, please come and buy it 🤘.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Sometimes Kinoshita-san sells only one bottle of point sake per person, so you have to go check often 🤣. I had to look more than once when I found a bottle of Imi-san on the shelf 🤣.
Hi Rafa papa 😃I'm always curious about Wataya, Yamawa and Ichinokura, as there are a lot of sake made with Gin no Iroha 🤣I'd like to start with Miyakanbai to get some and try it out 😆‼️
Rafa papa
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. I usually decide what alcohol to buy before I go to the store so I don't look too closely at the fridge 😅This time I went with Maru and we had a good look so we were able to find it 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Colonel Lal 😃. I would like to try Mr. Summer Time which you recommended 🤣 but you have to earn points to buy it 😅I wonder when I can drink it next 🙄... 🙄.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Yasubeyesan 😃. I'm sure you'll take the time to look for the rare sake when it's secretly available 😁I bought Genmai without points a long time ago 😌I was really jealous of Yasubeyesan's purchase of Imi 😭.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Wakata 😃. The Miyaganbai was so good 😋I haven't had any Miyaganbai other than Gin no Iroha, so maybe I don't actually understand the characteristics of Gin no Iroha... 😅I'm curious about Wataya's Gin no Iroha 😌I might try to find it 🙄.
Rafa papa konbanha(o´Ω`o)no~~ Sake of Tohoku ☺️ I don't know if I've had the Gin no Iroha sake 🤔. I'll look for it 😁.
Hello Rafa, ☀️ You can enjoy searching for treasures at Kinoshita Meishuji Store 🥳. Thank you for sharing your good store with us😊. It's your personality that helps us find treasures, Rafa👍.