SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Yesterday I went to a drinking party with a couple of mutual friends. Whenever I drink with them, I always take the last train 🚃. After we got home, I had not had enough to drink, so my wife and I decided to have a little drink. I wondered what to drink, and this is what I chose. This was the first sake from the brewery we had ever had after learning about it at Sake-no-Wawa. It is Sawaya Matsumoto Moribari Junmai Daiginjo by Matsumoto Shuzo. Let's start with the sake. First, the aroma. It has a slightly sweet aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a slight sweetness with a hint of a chilli chilli sensation. After that, a refreshing spiciness spreads to the back of the throat, followed by a bitter taste. It seems to be very well-balanced. The mouthfeel is smooth and easy to drink. This is delicious. I thought it was a very good sake to drink with meals.
Hi ma-ki-😃 We had a drink at home after the last train 🚃! We'll do it 🤗and congratulations on your first Sawaya-Matsumoto ㊗️ 🎉We also had our first Ihyakumangoku this year 😙I heard Yamadanishiki is also good 😙I want to try it next 😍.
Hi ma-ki-, 🐦. Drinking at home after drinking till the last train 😆Your wife is also very strong😊👍 It's delicious 😊❣️ I remember being surprised to find such a sake in Kyoto when I drank it for the first time 😊.
Thanks for your comments, Jay & Nobby. It sure looks like Gohyakumangoku is delicious from your post: ⤴️ It was so good it made me want to try all sorts of things 😊.
Thanks for your comment, Pon. I don't eat and drink much at this party, so I'm even hungry when I get back 🤣. By the way, my wife is not much of a drinker 💧. It was my first time and it was really good 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-san ^_^ Sawaya Matsumoto is delicious ✨. It's a good sake for a meal 👍 I've never had it before, but when I see it, I buy it immediately: ✌️ I want to drink it again!
Thank you for your comment, Manta. My first visit to Sawaya Matsumoto was as good as the rumors ✨. Like Manta, I just finished drinking it, but I'm looking forward to drinking it again 😁✨✨✨.
Good morning, ma-ki - I have had this sake before, and I have the impression of the softness and clear taste of the soft water that is typical of Kyoto. Kyoto's sake is the best for a mealtime drink. It is truly the capital of food. ❣️
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. I see you have had a chance to try it too 🎵. I have not had much experience with Kyoto sake, so I would like to try some 😊. I enjoy sakes that go well with food ✨.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 🌛. Looks like you had a great conversation until the last train 😁. Sawaya Matsumoto" for the second round of drinking with your wife after the train 🍶, the light and clear taste seems to be just right.
Thank you for your comment, Gyve. Yes, I agree. I had a chatty friend who was talking all the time there eating and drinking 🤣. First time for the first time for the guardians, as you said, it was clear and a good drinking time 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-san😄 Sawaya Matsumoto is my favorite sake: ❣️ It's fire-brewed, but you can feel it on your tongue, and it has a smooth mouthfeel with no discomfort from sweetness to bitterness 😋 It's well-balanced: 💕︎
Thanks for your comment, T.KISO. This is an awesome review that conveys the deliciousness in such a straightforward manner! As you said, it was really well balanced and very tasty 😊.