SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Arrived at my destination liquor store at midnight ️. Looking forward to the event😆. Got my numbered ticket and got number 12💦. I thought for sure I'd be the first one but wow everyone is so fast😅. After chatting with everyone for a bit, I'm going to have a glass of Mie sake 🤣. I'm going to have to drink it and go to bed soon 😦. I'm going to open a bottle of sake. Yes, it's a traditional sake. Opened at 8am‼️. 10 people entered the store first and then 5 people entered in turn👍. They sold out of one bottle of the sake I was looking for, but I was able to buy the other sake I was after 🤗. I heard it's snowing hard in Nagoya💦. I can't believe it because it's so sunny 😦. I'm done shopping by 8:30 and heading back down the road, but I can't get into Aichi Prefecture again.
Hi Masa❗️ Looks like you got a very nice one👍. Looking forward to your post 😊.
Hi Masa 😃 Did you go all the way to Mie⁉️? But still, arriving at half past midnight and waiting in line until morning? I'm looking forward to seeing how much you got out of it👍.
Hi Masa 😃 Did you go to Morishita? And what did you get? I'm not sure 🎅.
Hi Masa! Did you come back safely? They've been handing out numbered tickets since midnight 😳 Were there any of my Jikin and Tanaka Rokuo? 🤣
Good evening, Sieg Jikon😄. I'll upload a suitable one for Christmas Eve tonight 😆👍.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi😄 It's a big event, so I did my best. I'll upload it tonight 🤗.
Good evening, takeshon😄. I went for it 🤣. I'll upload a picture of all the sake we harvested tonight👍.
Good evening, kino.😄 Unfortunately I could only buy one bottle because it was a lottery 💦 It's the type that's left on the www rather than given out. I'll upload a picture I put together tonight👍.
Good evening, Masa-san. Did you go to Morishita? 😳 It must have been snowy☃️at that time of the day. I'm looking forward to seeing your loot. I'm looking forward to seeing your loot 🫡.
Good evening, Masa-san 🌇. Thank you for your hard work to the Ise-Shima area. I go there about 4 times a year to stock up. Mie's Kanbai is a normal sake.
Hi Yann, good evening😄. I went 🤣👍the time we were heading there was fine but the return trip was no-maltair so I'll be downstairs 😭I'll show you my loot later 👍.
Hi Ace, good evening😄. 4 times a year ‼️I plan to go about twice a year from now on 🤣👍The cold plum in Mie was really ordinary www.
Good morning, Masa-san! Waiting in line in the extreme cold until the morning........isn't that just like being an ascetic monk? I really bow down to you. But be careful not to drink too much sake because sake wa has the effect of increasing the amount of alcohol you drink.
Hi, salmon orchid😄 I was able to wait in the car after receiving the numbered tickets, which was nice, but I was freezing to death because no one started the engine 👍I will try my best to make another expedition next year 👍bring my booze and sleeping bag 🤣.