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Harugokoro Check-in 1
Harugokoro Check-in 2Harugokoro Check-in 3
This time it is Junmai-shu Moromi from Shunshin. Sake from Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Today is Neko day, I was so taken by the cuteness of the hand-knitted coasters in the Nyannyan set that the Nishide Sake Brewery puts out every year that I ordered one. And they let me choose one of the four Nishide cats 😻I chose the youngest one, Oar-kun. By the way, the two animals on the label are Nishide Moro and Nishide Mi-chan. The letter and sakekasu (sake lees) came as a free gift. The sakekasu is fresh and has a whey aroma! Delicious as it is 😋. The sake has a light muddy yellow color, and the aroma of green bamboo and dark orange juice. First, drink it at room temperature. It has a slightly thickened mouthfeel. The smooth sweet and sour taste is interesting, with orange-like sweetness and acidity mixed with the rich rice flavor. The latter half of the taste is tightened up with a tangy, bitter spiciness, while enjoying the lingering umami of the rice. When heated, it was delicious! A simple pairing dish of heated sake and the sake lees we received. The orange flavor is more intense when heated and it goes well with the sakekasu cheesecake. When heated up, the aroma of the rice expands richly on top of it and goes well with pork marinated in miso lees! Thank you very much, Nyanzu's mother 💕😸💕.
Good evening, Peco 🦉. This is such a lovely set! The hand-knitted coasters are adorable💕 even the letter 😳I'm going to want these 😻I love the sneak peek on the coaster 😺.
Good evening, Hirupeko! I like the atmosphere of Nishide Sake Brewery and follow them on Instagram often. ☺️ I was thinking how cute Moromi is and then I saw this place! I thought it was cute 😻The expression on the coaster is also nice 😼.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Hirupeko 😃. The hand-knitted coasters are very cute 🥰My wife likes to collect all kinds of cat stuff, so I think she would be hooked if she knew 🤣.
Good morning, Hirupeco 😃. What a pretty coaster ☺️ It fits the atmosphere of the sake 🤗The light is great and it looks like it could be a missionary photo! I'd love to try the orangey heated sake 🍶😋.
Hi Hirupeco 😀 I also searched a lot to participate in the Cat's Day❓ but I couldn't get to this cute one🤣. You're a great researcher 😀
Hi Pon-chan. The coaster is so cute 😻 too cute that I'm more impressed by Pon-chan's love to notice it 💤 than the coaster, which is more like a nap place for Hirupeko, the daytime drinker 💕.
Hi Aladdin. Your mother's installations at Nishide Sake Brewery are full of love and healing 😊I came across this installment because I wanted to drink Komatsunin, which I was aiming for 😻I recommend the sake as well, although it is very unique.
Hi Hirupeco, good evening 🌆. This cat🐈label and coaster are so cute! It makes me kind of happy ☺️ I also like the idea of limited cat skin heating on Cat's Day👍.
Good evening, Rafa. Isn't this coaster cute 😻All 4 of them are so cute that I had a lot of trouble choosing 🌀If your wife gets into it, I'll buy 4 of them 😊There is also Mr. Nishide's cat instagram which is full of cat love.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I'm glad you could tell that I tried to take a nice picture this time 😆 The sake has a unique taste, but it's a very good one.
Good evening, Yasube-san. I was tempted by this sake because of its cuteness, but I originally wanted to drink Komatsudo from Nishide Shuzo for a long time and was waiting for the right opportunity 😊I hope to drink Komatsudo soon!
Good evening, Haruei Chichi. I couldn't help but reach out for the Neko Coaster because of its irresistible expression. Heating cat skin on Cat's Day warms my heart😽♨️