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Ibuki Check-in 1
Ibuki Check-in 2Ibuki Check-in 3
Ippouki's first drink comparison I finally got a bottle of Ippouki ‼️ a while ago, and this is the first time I drank it and compared the two 🤗. I was looking at the fridge and wondering which one to choose, but I wanted to let Mamio know what I think of it soon, and Hirupeko told me I had to drink it soon 😅. I'm sure heated sake will be delicious too, so I've got some ready for you in Nonbey Yokocho 😊. We started with Junmai sake in honor of our ambassador 🎵 We started with a cold sake first! It's delicious 😊I guess we have similar tastes 😄 and Nobby! The first taste is sweet and umami, followed by sourness and a bit of bitterness with a clean finish 😌. After a comparison with Junmai Ginjo, we moved on to heated sake! Woohoo! Yummmm! The bitterness fades and the umami increases ‼️ This is a win for heated sake 🏆! By the way, while driving on the highway on my way home on Sunday 🚗 I heard a loud thump and noticed a 15cm horizontal crack on the passenger side windshield 😱. A stone 🪨 hit me 😭I guess I'll have to pay for the repair 😓. But easy-going J&N changed the conversation to a fun one about what kind of car they would buy if they won the lottery. I was just having fun talking about it 😆. But when I asked the ⁉️ dealer about it, they said they would replace it 😨. More than 100 four-pack bottles... ding ding ding 🫥. to be continued
Jay & Nobby Good evening. It is not a modern sake, and it is not flashy, but it is very good. I would like to make this kind of sake a regular drink.
Jay & Nobby! Glad to share a taste of a step yourself💕I thought it was your favorite, Nobby! I think it's more of a sip and savor! It's more of a sake that you feel it was delicious after you finish a bottle. ☺️
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby😃. One step self sounds delicious 😋I've never had it so I'd like to drink it 😌More than 100 four-packs 😳⁉️3 months sober or not😁Let's buy another one now🤣Which car 🤣⁉️
Hi Sasyu 😃 Yes, it was my first time to drink it! It was my first time to drink it and as you said, it was a delicious and absorbing experience. ☺️ is a good bottle to have 🤗
Hi Mamio 😃 Thank you for a good meeting 😊It was really delicious 😌 and repeated several times, I'm sure I'll repeat 👍
Hi Rafa papa 😃 Ippoumi was a delicious experience for my body and soul ☺️ while the crack was a pain for my wallet and heart 😰I wasn't talking about easy 😱. I can't stop drinking...I can't 🫥.
Hi Jay & Nobby! Ippei was also a challenge for me this year, but I didn't clear it 💦I had an image that sake tastes good cold, so I'll remember to heat it up 🙏. I know the expense is painful, but I'm glad you didn't have any accidents or injuries 😰.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 It's great that you are able to compare different temperatures in your first drink 😀. It's great to see you enjoying your drinks in your own creative way 😀.
Hi Pon 😃 I had it first 😋It's delicious cold or warmed 🤗I'm sure I'll repeat 👍. It's a relief that you can use your insurance 😅I'm glad you didn't get hurt 😌.
Hi Yasbay 😃 I finally got it and enjoyed it to the fullest 🤗I especially like Nobby heated up too much 😋.