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Jikon純吟 吉川山田錦YOKAWA2022火入純米吟醸
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Shusendo Mini
㊗️ Happy New Year 🌅🎍 Thank you for your support this year 🙇 to everyone at Sake no Wa! Since it's New Year's Day, we're opening a bottle of Jikin 🎉! This year, we will compare Tojo and Yoshikawa of Yamada Nishiki 🤗🥂🥂. This is Yoshikawa Yamada Nishiki 🍶. The soft sweetness is the same as Tojo. Slightly more floral and delicious 😍. Both seem mature and beautiful 😋. I honestly can't even tell the difference😅. This time... I'm going with the Yoshikawa Yamadanishiki, which has more depth of flavor 😊. 100% Yoshikawa Yamadanishiki, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol level 16 Light ⭐️⭐️ Brilliant⭐️⭐️ Sweetness⭐️⭐️✨ Bitterness⭐️⭐️ Acidity⭐️⭐️ Kick⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Likability⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (Both sakes were sold in September last year and I won the sake lottery 🤗🎊) I hope I can drink a lot of Jikin this year too 🙏. I hope you win the Garapon 😄🎯.
Ace. Happy New Year 🎍. I started the year 2022 with these two bottles myself. These two bottles are still good for New Year's Day ✨. I hope you win a lot of Raffle Pots this year 🙏.
Ace, Happy New Year 🎉Happy New Year to you too 🎉Thank you for your support this year 🙇‍♂️而Metaphysical drinking is awesome 😳‼️I plan to blow up the lottery this year 😁.
Happy New Year, Ace 🎍 and I look forward to working with you in the new year: 🙇‍♂️ I've been wanting to do a Jikin drinking comparison, maybe I'll do it too 😋.
Ace, Happy New Year 🎍. I look forward to working with you again this year 🤲. I can't imagine that this is something you can compare at home... I'm so jealous of you! ❗️
Ace, thank you very much for your support this year 🙇. What a blissful luxury to compare two bottles of Jikin at home in a set: ☺️ Interesting to see how different sake rice fields affect the sake 🤔 Well, both are delicious 🤤.
Manta, Happy New Year 🌅. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. I guess New Year's is the time of year after all 😄. Thank you very much. I hope to win a lot of gara-pons this year too 😂👍
Masa, Happy New Year 🌅. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. I want to drink every year 😄 Let's win a lot of Garapon 👍‼️
takeshon, Happy New Year 🌅. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. After all, New Year's Day is Jikin 😋😋. I'm looking forward to comparing Jikin🥂 ❗️
Haruei Chichi, Happy New Year 🌅. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. Since it's New Year's Day, I'm indulging myself with a Jikin🥂 drink comparison 😋.
Aladdin, Happy New Year 🌅. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. I drink Jikkai every New Year's Day for some reason 😊. This time 🥂 was so similar in characteristics that it was difficult to compare 😅
Ace, Happy New Year 🎍 and all the best for the new year 😊. Happy New Year 〰! Nice drinking comparison👍✨It's also awesome that you won both bottles in the gara-pon 😆 Hope you win a lot this year too 😉.
Pon, Happy New Year 🌅. I look forward to working with you again this year🙇🙇. This is the 3rd time for me to start Jikin for New Year's 😋Jikin🥂It's nice to compare 🤗but it's hard to distinguish because of the similar taste 😅.