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NabeshimaNew Moon しぼりたて生酒 純米吟醸原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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My sister who was looking for a new job has found a new job. I'm going to open 4 bottles of the Tsuki series for my sister. My sister can't drink any sake though 🤣. The aroma of all 4 bottles have a common trend. More than fruity ginjo aroma I have the impression that the aroma of rice can be felt 🎶. On the first day, there is a strong sense of gas and slight fizz I have the impression that it is a refreshing sweet sake 🤔. There is a bitterness in the aftertaste and it goes down your throat well, but but it feels somewhat hard and I finished it after drinking half a gong. After the second day, the micro-firing has faded but the gassy feeling is still apparent. but the gassy feeling is still there 😍. The hardness felt on the first day is gone transformed into a sweet and delicious sake 🎶. Elegant sweetness and firm umami The bitter and sour aftertaste finishes it off well. I can drink it as much as I want without getting tired of it 😋. Tempura on the first day, beef stew on the second day I've had it with tempura on the first day, beef stew on the second day, sashimi on the third day, and hokke (hokke) on the fourth day. but it was the only one that I could match it with everything 🎶.
Good evening. That's impressive! How did you manage to leave it until now without drinking it? It's amazing☺️
etorannzyu, congrats on your sister's job 🎉🎊and that's awesome 😳They all look delicious, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you like!
Good evening, etorannzyu! I remember you said you won't drink until you have enough to compare 😆. I'm impressed that you can hold out until you get it all together 👏. And congratulations on your sister getting a job ㊗️.
Good evening, etorannzyu! I'm so glad to see you here 😄. A 4-bottle comparison of the Moon series is really extravagant! I'm not sure how you managed to resist before that! 😱I can't help but drink the NEW MOON 🤣.
Ane, good evening 😃 I actually wanted to drink it so bad🤣. It's an occasional indulgence so I'm opening a bottle in one go🎶.
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. Thank you 😊 The new and fall sake were especially good 😋. but they were all high spec sake 🎶.
kino. good evening 😃. Thank you 😊 We had to compare drinks to celebrate 🤣. Summer sake was the only sake that I should drink at that time 😅.
Good evening, MAJ 😃. I've splurged a little 🤣. New Moon is especially popular 🎶. Happy to drink this at this time of the year😊.
Good evening etorannzyu 🌙 Congratulations on your sister's job placement ㊗️. You opened 4 bottles of luxurious and extravagant alcohol 😆🎉. And your sister can't drink at all 🤣. I look forward to seeing the results of your drinking comparison 😊.
Good evening, Tsubu 😃. Thank you 😊 My sister can drink wine and such but not sake 😅. To be honest, I just used my sister as an excuse to be extravagant 🤣.