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木村式奇跡のお酒 純米吟醸 朝日木村式奇跡のお酒 純米吟醸 朝日


1212 Tamashima Agasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama
map of Kikuchi Shuzo
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Master's choice of 3 kinds of sake for comparison What an auspicious name and brand! There is the same one with black letters in the cold storage, but this one is Junmai Ginjo Asahi with green letters. It has a citrusy fruity taste! Delicious! Pair it with sashimi from the Seto Inland Sea. Seared Spanish Mackerel and Octopus I've never had much sake from Okayama, but there are many brands in the cold storage that I'm interested in! It makes me excited 😋! knowledge This junmai ginjo sake is brewed with "Asahi" rice, a specialty of Okayama, harvested from natural cultivation without fertilizers or pesticides as advocated by Mr. Akinori Kimura, known for his "Miracle Apple". Rice polishing ratio 55 Ingredient variety: Kimura-style naturally grown "Asahi Alcohol content 15.5