さけちゃん甚純米 萬歳楽 酒米北陸十二号純米Ishikawa10/23/2022, 1:36:35 PM12/27/202118さけちゃんXX2021 last drink of the year. According to their website, it's right up Europeans' alley. https://www.manzairaku.co.jp/product/product-310/Japanese>English
Chippie甚純米Ishikawa9/15/2021, 8:32:22 AM9/15/2021Kuroyuri (黒百合)15ChippieDelicious. Today is a one-day business trip to Kanazawa. At first, I start from Jing. It is the best. It's been a long time since I could drink sake in a shop. After this, I think I'll drink some frozen sake and go home.Japanese>English
やしだ甚純米Ishikawa4/16/2020, 7:33:03 AMやしだ日付:2019.11.23 場所:きまっし 感想:すっきり美味しい、辛口 好み:☆☆☆ 蔵元:萬歳楽(まんざいらく) 精米歩合:68% 日本酒度:+4.0 酸度:1.8 アルコール度数:16% 使用米:北陸12号 価格:700円/合 製造日: