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I just realized it's June. Time seems to go by faster and faster every year. This is the first time I bought a sake based liqueur. I bought a sake-based liqueur for the first time. There were some citrus liqueurs, but I couldn't imagine the taste of strawberry. I couldn't imagine what strawberry would taste like, so I went with strawberry. I have an impression that many liqueurs have lactobacillus like substance in them, but not this one. I have an impression that many liqueurs have lactobacillus-like substance in them, but this one does not. The pop-up sign at the store said "33% strawberries". The bottle was filled with a lot of pulp. I shook the jar up and down a few times before opening it. The smell of strawberry jam was so handsome! The taste was strawberry jam with a bitter taste at the end. Maybe because it is 8% alcohol by volume. There was almost no alcohol taste. I drank it in gulps. I drank it all in one gulp and it was gone in no time; I wanted to enjoy it with soda. I guess 500ml runs out quickly...
Asa Koromo, good morning ☀️. I've never had strawberry liqueur or anything with pulp, so I'm very curious! I would love to experience strawberry jam flavored sake 🍓.
Mr. Ponchan*. I can't really imagine what strawberry tastes like. If you have a chance to drink it. You might want to prepare some soda water ♡. I've also seen lactobacilli in it. I'm curious about that one too!

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