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Brands from Nichinichi Inc.


628 Jōdōrichō, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8067
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This is the second collaboration between a famous sake brewery and the Space Brothers' tsukimi sake! I applied again this year and won two bottles! Yay, I can drink them without any worries: ❤︎ While last year's Niimasa was quite sweet and sparkling, this year's is also sparkling, but the sparkling itself is loose and fine, and the taste is quite clean and dry. For my personal taste, it may be a little short. But I like the fact that the aftertaste is not spicy at all, and that I can feel the sweetness of the rice and a pleasant tingling sensation the moment I put it in my mouth. I drank the previous Niimasa Collaboration chilled like a dessert wine (although it is not that sweet), but this one is so refreshing that it tastes like water with a flavor! The enclosed paper says, "Enjoy the taste that changes with the temperature in a wide-mouthed glass," so I'm drinking it in a whiskey glass. I want to get a big, stylish sake cup. Last year I drank while watching Billy Wilder's "Hey, Kiss Me" and this year it's "Pretty in Pink"! Oh this is so much fun! If you do it again next year, I'd like to apply! Please team me up with a good place 🙏.

Brands from Nichinichi Inc.