Togarashi (Sendai City)
🌾Miyama Nishiki from Kurihara Ichisama-Tai, Miyagi Prefecture, 55% rice polishing ratio
I came back to Sendai for the first time in five years due to a job transfer.
You can stop in after work and have a quick drink with a set of drinks for dinner before going home. It's very useful.
But I always end up drinking more than the set, because it's not enough. (Laughs)
Tonight's extra order was the "Kawaguchi Natto". I knew the name, but this is the first time I've actually had it in my mouth.
I learned from the label that this is a sake made by the Kanenoi brewery that brews Wataya. The name was chosen because they use rice grown in the Kawaguchi Natto rice field near the brewery.
I enjoyed it.