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Brands from Yoshida Shuzo


7-22 Kitajima, Eiheiji, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
map of Yoshida Shuzo
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Don't stop drinking Noto sake (2) Today we had another version of yesterday's sake, a collaboration version of Okunoto's Shirakiku and Eiheiji Hakuryu 😀. Yesterday's sake was completely brewed by Yoshida Shuzo of Eiheiji Hakuryu on behalf of Okunoto's Shirakiku, but today's sake was a collaboration version, so they changed the yeast to FK801C, a Fukui Prefecture original that Yoshida Shuzo usually uses😇. It was so different that I wondered how different the yeast alone was 🤣. The difference in taste is one thing, but the difference in temperature range is also surprising ⁉️ Yesterday's original recipe tasted better when it was brought to room temperature, but today's collaboration sake tasted better when it was chilled 😀. I prefer chilled sake, and today's collaboration sake was more to my liking 😀.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. You're going up so fast that I can't keep up with my rice 😅6 bottles of cheering sake at once! Great 👍It's good to see reviews like this going up as soon as possible to help those who buy 🤗I'm glad you're feeling well 😌.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃 I think it's a great project 👍I wondered if it was necessary to collaborate, but I guess it tastes better in collaboration 🤣.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😀. Thank you for taking care of our comments 🙏. I didn't expect you to send me a batch of 6 bottles, I'm surprised 🤣. We were surprised to see how much the different yeasts can change the face of a drink so much: ‼️
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Yoshida Kura is very busy launching crowdfunding projects like this and supporting sake, so it's great 😇. I probably won't be able to drink this sake again, so it was a valuable experience 😀.

Brands from Yoshida Shuzo