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S風の森 First EditionS風の森 First Edition

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1160, Gose, Nara
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Compared to "Lunch", it has a nice sour taste. Aroma Sweet Acid Bitter Taste Green △ △ △ △ △ △ Fat Yellow Personal preference 75/100 [Sweetness/Spiciness] Sweet ☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dry Appearance. [Color]. Colorless and transparent Aroma》 《Fragrance》 《Medium Medium Ginjo aroma ◯ Muscat Ingredient aroma: Dumpling Aged aroma Other [Examples] Mild ginjo aroma and raw material aroma are the main ingredients. Taste [Attack] Medium [Texture] Good sharpness fine texture [Taste] Sweetness Fat Acidity Fat Fresh Bitterness Full flavor [Complexity] Medium [Aroma] Medium Same as Kamitachiko [Lingering] Medium Length of the first half of the flavor and the second half bitterness ≪[Distinctive elements ≪Notes. [Classification by flavor characteristics] Sake with fragrance Refreshing sake Mellow sake Fat Mature sake

Brands from Yucho Shuzo