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越後一会玉風味 五百万石 Extra Version純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I've been looking for this sake ever since I had it a few years ago at an izakaya (Japanese-style bar) that mainly serves Niigata sake called "Houshu" 🤔. This rich, sweet and delicious taste has too much impact 😮😮. I still remember how impressed I was when I met it 🤤🤤🤤. I followed the list of stores that carry it on this trip to Niigata and tried to find them one by one! Finally found it, and it's a 2018 old sake 😆. I'm not a big fan of old sake, but I decided to give it a try 😅. The color of the sake looks slightly yellowish The ginjo aroma is gorgeous but accompanied by a slightly aged impression It's especially noticeable when the temperature rises The taste is an interesting mix of fruity fruitiness and a hint of caramel notes 😉. I remember it being sweeter when I drank it before 🥰. It was great with a hint of acidity 🥰🥰. Does it become less sweet as it ages? On the contrary, the bitterness increased quite a bit, but... Not bad. The flavor is still full and mellow After drinking it aged for almost 6 years, I think it is probably best to drink it aged for 1 or 2 years. Great sake for those who like old sake. The ginjo aroma is gorgeous with a sense of maturity, a very novel experience that I have never experienced before👍. I will continue to look for fresh Echigo Ichikai 😎.
Good evening. I see that you have bought some Sasa-dango (bamboo grass dumplings). I didn't know about Echigo Ichigo-kai. People in Echigo call strawberries "Echigo". That's why they call it "Echigo Ichigo-kai", which means "once-in-a-lifetime meeting". The pronunciation is the same. (Echigo people are the same.)
Good evening, Goonyi Goh-san 🌞. I bought a few bags of frozen sasa dumplings. For myself and for my friends 😁. This sake seems to be quite rare I can't find much info on google. I like the name and the taste 💯.
越後一会玉風味 一本〆純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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特約店限定の数量限定、珍しいお酒です~ 新潟守門で育てた希少酒米「一本〆」を100%使用。 フレッシュとフルーテーな香味、柔らかい味わい。 含むと、濃厚な甘味旨味が口中を満たす~ 何杯も飲める! @方舟 川崎ラ チッタデッラ

Brands from Tamagawa Shuzo
