SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Drunk on Gifu's Local Sake 2024@Tokyo The eighth sake was Nakajima Brewery's "Re-finish Kijoshu" ♪ I must have never had kijoshu before! Since I had been craving a sweet sake by now, I was also attracted by the -35 sake degree value listed on the event pamphlet~. The cute sushi label also caught my eye, but I relented and poured myself a glass of kijoshu. Oh, oh, it was delicious 🥹💕! Juicy and super sweet...that's good! I would love to try it with a pound cake full of sake! Wouldn't that be a nice synergy? It seems that "re-finish" means that the kijoshu was made with kijoshu. Since kijoshu uses sake where brewing water is used in the first place, the layering method of re-finishing kijoshu is amazing~. I was getting drunk, so I had to finish off the event here 🍶 with a variety of sake, which was a great learning experience!

Brands from Nakajima Jozo