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1 check-in

Brands from Yoshida Shuzo

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7-22 Kitajima, Eiheiji, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
map of Yoshida Shuzo
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白龍禅 Check-in 1
白龍禅 Check-in 2白龍禅 Check-in 3
This is the first sake brewed at the new brewery of Yoshida Shuzo, which produces the Hakuryu brand. The company name is Symphony Yoshida Shuzo and the brand name is Hakuryu Zen. It was a precious experience to be able to taste the first brewed sake from the new brewery. Sweet and sour aroma of pineapple and berries at the moment of opening the bottle. No strong color, almost colorless and transparent. It has a gentle mouthfeel with sweetness, acidity, light bitterness, and a fruity to rice sweetness from the end to the lingering finish. The aftertaste is also crisp with no unpleasant aroma and makes you want to take the next sip right away. I found it very tasty. My personal impression is that the sweetness of the rice is similar to that of Tsururei Junmai.