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It is refreshing and delicious. When you put it in your mouth, the sweetness comes after the umami of rice. It has a deep umami flavor, yet it is easy to drink. From Shirasugi Shuzo Facebook  This NEW type of sake is fermented with a blend of four types of koji (white, black, and yellow koji plus mirin koji) and four types of Kyoto yeast.  Nue is a legendary yokai from the Tale of the Heike, a monster that is a fusion of four different creatures: a monkey for the face, a raccoon dog for the body, a tiger for the arms and legs, and a snake for the tail.  It was defeated by Minamoto no Yorimasa in Kyoto during the Heian period (794-1185).  The richness of mirin koji, citric acid from white and black malt malt, "Kyo-no-Saki," a malic acid-hyper-producing yeast, and "Kyo-no-Kohaku," a succinic acid-hyper-producing yeast, create a monster full of strength and individual charm with a variety of acid and umami flavors. 720ml ¥1.980-

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