おふなKikumori丸竹酒造店Aomori9/17/2024, 3:18:56 PM9/17/202424おふなI bought it at AKOMEYA TOKYO. It is a little tangy when you put it in your mouth, but that is good. It is very easy to drink.Japanese>English
マサキネKikumori丸竹酒造店Aomori6/23/2022, 10:15:51 PM21マサキネ3.5/5 Left. If you look at the label, you'll see the impact. The same brewery as Taxi Driver. Japanese>English
kobachiKikumori丸竹酒造店Aomori2/16/2020, 10:54:52 AMkobachi先日の蔵開きで貰ったワンカップ。 色が濃くて味も濃い。すっきりさっぱりじゃない根性のある味が郷土料理に合います。
koge2Kikumori普通酒丸竹酒造店Aomori8/14/2019, 12:47:22 PMカップ酒部10koge2The moment you open it, you are enveloped by the aroma of custard cream. The sweetness is not in that vein, but it is thick and sweet. The aftertaste is refreshing. This is the 363rd one-cup, one-pack festival.Japanese>English