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田中 楽
October 2018, at the usual Tiger's Banquet. I went for a drink with my colleagues at work that day and ordered 4 drinks for convenience. This is the second of those drinks. Ginkgo followed by maitake mushrooms, which are in season. This is Suki-Izumi, which we were not able to drink on our previous visit. The brewer is Shirasugi Shuzo Co. in Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture. I had never heard of the term "bottle enclosure," so I looked it up and found that it means "bottling and storing in bottles to manage the aging process. It means that it is easy to produce high quality products". It also says, "The difference with storage in tanks is that it is easier to determine the degree of maturity because it is managed in small units (1 shou bottles), and it is easier to produce high quality products because the area exposed to the air is relatively small. Compared to room temperature aging at room temperature in a warehouse, such as during the summer, the bottles have the advantage that they can be easily managed in a refrigerator or moved around. (I tagged "tobin-tori," which is semantically close to "tobin-tori," but please point out if I'm wrong). (I refer you to this blog) https://ameblo.jp/sakurasakeshop/entry-12304829706.html

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