ときときMyouka RangyokuDaishichi ShuzoFukushima10/16/2023, 9:54:04 AM10/16/202318ときときDry. Clear. Refreshing on the tongue. Delicious 😋.Japanese>English
truewaveMyouka Rangyokuグラン・キュヴェ純米大吟醸生酛袋吊りDaishichi ShuzoFukushima3/29/2018, 2:44:51 AM6truewave去年の誕生日にご馳走になりました。唯一無二の味。v(^_^)『雨垂れ石を穿つ』カッコいいっ❕❕✨truewaveラベルに負けない味でした。値段はとても自分では出せないですが、値段相応だと思います。
chenamberMyouka Rangyoku純米大吟醸生酛原酒袋吊りDaishichi ShuzoFukushima9/5/2015, 11:03:58 AM1chenamberThe 2013 Myoka Tanchoku Grand Cuvee is the pinnacle of the Daishichi Sake Brewery. It is a blend of several vintages, ranging from 1988 to 2008. The aftertaste is quite long and flavorful, and I feel it is certainly of a different caliber.Japanese>English