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This sake seems to be highly recommended by the liquor stores that carry it. I am not sure, but it is said to be highly concentrated. I think the brewer mentioned this before when he visited the liquor store, and it is also written on the label. This sake is classified as a low alcohol sake at 13 degrees, but what do you think? The rice-like aroma gives a sense of high concentration (appropriate). It has a good mouthfeel (I say this a lot, it's a pattern), with sweetness and acidity, and disappears crisply. It is refreshing and easy to drink. I am not sure about the high concentration, but it is a sake that can be drunk easily. Not tired of drinking? Thanks to this, I drank 60% of it. It may be recommended for sake beginners. Sake? Sake? That's what I thought.
Hi adako 😃 That is a beautiful label! I've never seen this drink before 😳 We tend to be brainwashed when it's on the label... we seem to feel highly concentrated 😆.

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