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Kissui Hidari Uma純米吟醸 生原酒 中取り直汲み純米吟醸原酒生酒中取り
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To celebrate my wife's birthday, we had a drink at a trendy Aizu horse sashimi restaurant that I had always been curious about. I was also curious about the lineup of sake from outside of the prefecture. We didn't get to drink the sake we were looking for, but we did try a lucky charm with a horse connection, Kisuiki Hidari Uma (生粋左馬). It is brewed by Aruga Brewery in Higashikamako, Shirakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. The word "left horse" is written backwards from the character for "horse," the one used for Tendo's shogi (Japanese chess) piece, and is usually written backwards, meaning that the horse pulls the person, or in other words, the horse brings a lot of people and all kinds of good fortune to the house. Fruity aroma. Clear and crisp, with a hint of gas. Strong acidity and refreshing bitterness, with a good sharpness, The strong aroma of spicy miso from the horse sashimi is also smoothly washed away. The horse sashimi nigiri was very delicious. Sakura nabe, horse crystals, and the full enjoyment of the meal. Shirakawa City used to be an enclave of the Echigo Takata clan, a surprising connection to Niigata. === Rice Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice: Fukushima Prefecture Yumenokou Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol Content: 16 Sake degree: +3.0 Acidity: 1.6 1,800ml 3,960yen ★★★★☆☆☆
Hello, Golden Cat Demon 😃. Happy birthday to your wife 🎂🎉! Aizu BASASHI 😍It's delicious with spicy miso 😋This BASHI NIGIRI is an awesome MESHITERO 🤤I'm jealous that you have the perfect sake 🍶 to go with it ☺️
Hi Jay & Nobby! Thank you 😆The horse sashimi you buy at the supermarket is good, but the rare parts you can only eat at the restaurant are really tasty ✨There was a lot of sake I wanted to drink, but it wasn't my celebration, so I refrained 🍶.