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Ujiie Station (氏家駅)

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Azumarikishi爽快純吟 酔夏純米吟醸
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Ujiie Station (氏家駅)
Sakura City event that I learned about through a Facebook announcement from Kenmoku Shoten San The 1st SAKE Fes in SAKURA SQUARE". I participated in the last part of the "1st SAKE Fes in SAKURA SQUARE" event, which I learned about from a Facebook announcement by Kenmoku Shoten-san. The participation fee was 1,000 yen, which included a tasting of 8 breweries x one cup and a sake cup as a souvenir. Except for Nikka Whisky, we were able to get sake from nearby places. However, they were all served in the same clear plastic cups, so it was hard to tell which was which while drinking with a glass of sake in my hand. The only thing that left an impression on me 😅 was the drunken summer of the East Rikishi 😊Mrs. Wife said it smelled like watermelon when she smelled it with her nose, so I smelled it and it really did smell like watermelon🤣 placebo maybe? I heard you can drink other brands if you buy additional tickets, but for my family 8 glasses and some otsumami was just right 😁The rain stopped during the day and there were many customers in the last part of the event 😆. We took a walk to Kenmoku San and bought a bottle of sake😄 Looking forward to next year's event 🤭Thanks for the food 🙏.
Good evening, Mr. chape😄🌙 I love it ❣️If this is the first SAKE festival, there will probably be another one 😁. It's a good chance to get to know the sake (taste) of Tochigi 👍. I want to go next time 😊.
Good evening, Tsubu 🌝. Kenmoku's wife said that before Corona, Senkou used to do it solo 🤔I wish they would increase the number of participating breweries and do it for 2 days instead of one 😆.
Sorry for repeating myself, Mr. Chape. I will be going to the 2021 New Sake Competition and Sake Fair at the Tokyo International Forum this Saturday. I'm going to Tokyo International Forum with my son.
I heard that you can taste 200 kinds of sake that have won gold medals at the awards ceremony... I've never done such a thing before, so I'm both looking forward to it and nervous about it.
Oh!!! What an exciting event to hear about 🤭 and what fun you and your son are having 😄 Hope you have a good meeting before you get too drunk to taste 😁 Sounds fun 😆.
I look forward to the review you participated in 😊🙏. I don't think I'd have a clue if you did some listening 🤣.