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Today, while returning home with my family after running some errands in Gifu, I found a bakery with an interesting name in my hometown. I was so curious about it that I went in to buy some bread to try it out, and there were breads with a great sense of naming 🤣👍Wouldn't you like to move your mouth? I bought only a loaf of bread with the name "Kuchidokudoro-no-shikkasai" and went home! (◎_◎;) Here it comes: ‼️ Finally ‼️ an allowance after a long time 😂💦. It's been tough having my monthly allowance suspended for 2 months for no reason 😭. I immediately grabbed my 10,000 yen allowance and went to a liquor store 🚗💨 that's a little bit far from here. I got a bottle of Purple Space, Turtle Sea and Kawanakajima Sparkling which I've been curious about for a long time 😆👍. I spent 5,000 yen from the very beginning ᾗ! I think I'll spend the rest on Saturday and Sunday ╰(*´*)╯♡♡ Today we opened a bottle of Kame no Umi: ‼️ The aroma was fruity and I thought it was Mimuro Sugi❓Hana Yuu❓Wow, the taste was sweet and delicious 😋The fruitiness was strong and I didn't mind the sourness as much as I imagined👍It also had a gassy feeling, I can understand why people say they like this 👍I'll buy other series when I get another allowance in cash♪( ´▽`)
Good evening, Mr. Masa☆(**ч`*) Oh no, ma'am! It looks like an interesting bakery when you look it up and see that it has an unusual name. Is it a high-class bakery 🤔 I'll go there next time.
I have not tried it yet, so I don't know what it tastes like, but my local friend says it's delicious 😆I personally like the bread with cheese and black pepper 😆👍.
Hi Masa, good evening 😃 It seems like all these bakeries are produced by the same person 😃 There was one in my hometown but it went out of business quickly 🤣 There are only a few stores that sell turtle sea so I can't buy it very often but I'm sure it's the best 😆.
Good morning, bouken😄 It's quite an impactful store 🤣 that you went out of business so fast wow, really, there are only a few stores that sell it 💦 I'm sure it tastes great 👌I'd like to try a variety of drinks wow.
Rafa papa
Good morning Masa 😃 Turtle sea is delicious 😋It was hard to suspend your allowance for 2 months 😳‼️ I don't think it was for no reason... 😁
Hi Rafa papa😄! This is really good 😆👍I asked my wife why, but she just smiled and said 💦I still don't know the result 😅 I just hope they don't stop again on the www.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Masa! I'm afraid to continue to be suspended for 2 months for unknown reasons😱I hope there is a pattern of increasing the amount...
Good evening, Mr. Masa 🌙 I'd go in even if I wasn't planning to buy anything, this store 🤣 glad you found it before it went out of business 😁. Congrats on your allowance 🎉I'm really happy for you 😆 Pray that it continues 🙏✨.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo! If I'm not careful, I'll either stop or reduce the amount 💦 my horrible wife 💦 I think the increase is about the same as the chance of winning the lottery 💦 wow!
Good evening, Pon-chan😄 I'm thinking of going there a few times and buying some things before it goes out of business 🤣I'll have to keep worshipping them so that they will continue to be supplied safely.
Good evening, Masa, and congratulations on your debut in the Sea of Turtles at ☺️🥰www I also recommend the Four Seasons series, so when you get your allowance 😎www.
Good evening, Jun-san😄 Thank you😊this is so delicious🤣👍👍I'm going to go buy the Four Seasons series too before I run out of pocket money🤗www.