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At Sake Shop Genpachi. I went to buy some Chochin, a sake I had never seen before. I thought it was just a bitter sake, but the owner said it had a strong umami taste. So, of course, I bought it. (^^) I chilled it for a day and opened the bottle. It didn't blow out, but it took a while. The glass was pure white. The balance of sweetness and sourness is perfect! It might be the best nigori I've ever had! Corona onset on the 18th after the Bon Festival (day 0) Tremendous fatigue, muscle aches Positive antigen test, headache, fever, uncomfortable feeling in throat Began isolation at home (day 1) Headache, malaise, and muscle aches subside, but there is some coughing and a slight fever. At mealtime, notices weak sense of taste. Calls the Health Follow-up Center, but is asked about age and pre-existing medical conditions, and is ordered to be quarantined at home. The company is notified of the onset of illness and requested to take precautions against infection within the company. The director instructed me to come back to work after the fever went down (I'm not stupid). I told him that I was going to work from home and asked him to bring my PC. He told me to come and get it myself. I drove to pick it up and started working from home (3rd day). Fever is down and he is feeling calm, but he is still in quarantine because he seems to be shedding the virus for the next 7-10 days...
Hi GoonyiGo😃 I'm sorry to hear about your corona outbreak... Of course, you have to stop drinking alcohol 😄. Let's drink as much as you can after you are completely healed. Please take care of yourself.
Hi GoonyiGo, ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough time with the corona 😰and that you are still in quarantine. I'm sorry you're working at home too... please take it easy and take care of yourself 🙏.
Thank you very much, Haruei Chichi. The cellar is right in front of me because it is isolated in a storage room, but it is hard because there is no air conditioner. I use a fan to keep myself warm. I may not be able to enjoy alcohol anymore because I seem to have a taste disorder...
Thank you, Ponchan. The first day of infection was surprisingly dull. I'm normal now, but I'm in quarantine because I spread the virus. Does the government policy of only 5 days mean that we can't spread the disease?
Good evening, Ms. Gonii-Go-san. It is not reported on TV, but it must be increasing. It is hard to work in such a situation. Please don't force yourself to work.
Thank you, Sashiu. I feel fine, but I can't smell or taste anything anymore. I don't know how long I'll have to live in quarantine...
Good evening, GoonyiGo. I'm sorry to hear about your corona infection. Now you have been quarantined for 5 days. I wonder what the previous long quarantine was all about. Many people recover from taste disorder in about 2 to 3 weeks. Please take care of yourself.
Thank you, Nemuchi. I'm coming to work today, I'm quarantined at home...(my family is on immunosuppressants) I'm thinking of staying in a hotel starting today!
Good evening, Goonyi Go! I'm sorry to hear about your corona infection. My girlfriend got infected 2 weeks ago. She is still suffering from the aftereffects (fatigue) afterwards! Please take care of yourself.
Good evening, bebe. My malaise is gone, but I am left with a cough and impaired taste and sense of smell. Eating and drinking have become boring... I hope your girlfriend is better, beebe, and take care of yourself.
Good evening, Goonyi Goh. Have you recovered from your taste disorder? Sounds like you're already taking it😄 I work in a hospital. So far I haven't contracted branch pneumonia. I'll be careful 😁. Thank you for your concern
Good evening, bebe. I heard that 80% of taste disorder will be cured after a month. I am missing something in my sense of taste. The sweet taste is so strong that it tastes like cider...