SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
えりりん🏠 100% Japanese food today So I opened the second bottle😊. It's a cute cup but what's inside is Sake 🍶. Grilled scallops with Tasake sauce hokke (hokke) Sauteed burdock root pickled sweet potato with wasabi etc. When eating Japanese food, it is good to immerse yourself in traditional Japanese sake ( **∏♬♬*) sometimes😊. I bought it because of the cute cup 😁.
MantaErin Good evening ^_^ Here it is. Cute label cup sake✨ I like to pair Japanese food with dry or classically flavored sake😊. Cup sake is good 👍. Plus, very beautiful nighttime cherry blossoms🌸
はなぴんErin, good morning. 😊 Ah! I bought this one a long time ago. 😁.
ハリーEririn, good morning 😃I'm one cup of zoo 😁I met a guy from Asahikawa in Shikoku, so I want to go to Asahikawa, there is a nice pub called Sanshiro 🏮, is it close to Eririn's place? Not so close 😅
Rafa papaGood morning Eirin 😃 One cup is good but I want to go to Asahiyama Zoo... 😊I guess I will buy one cup when I go there 🙄.
ポンちゃんErin, hello 🐦. Aww... I want one! I want a cup of sake 〰😻〰😻,💕可愛い is right 💕Cute is right ✨The inside has a classic taste 😳I think it's very modern 😁I want to get a comp of this one day too 🤭.
えりりんManta-san (●'∇')¡Domo-domo-domo~! After 3 years of study, I have come to the conclusion that Japanese food is the best choice for classic sake. I drank under the cherry blossoms this night and had a good night's sleep. 🌸(〃)🌸
えりりんHanapin konbanhar (o´ omega`o)no~~~ Correct 🙆‍♀️ It's safe to store at room temperature, so it's getting put off 😂. One more thing: ❣️
えりりんHarry-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~~ It's closer than Harry's place but less convenient to get there. I'd love to visit Hokkaido too 💕︎ I'm sure there's plenty of delicious food there 🎶.
えりりんRafa papa konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~ I'll buy a cup of sake when I go there and wait for your review there.
えりりんPon-chan konbanhar (o´ omega`o)no~~ Cute is justice ❣️❣️❣️ If there is a store in Hokkaido, they might sell it 😊. I was able to buy it at the Hokkaido store in Aeon 😆.
ルテルテミHello Erin😄I also used to drink and can't throw away the cup because it's so cute😂It's a solid drinking cup so it goes well with food 😁The cherry blossoms are beautiful. Are they in full bloom now❓🌸
えりりんLutertemi-san konbanhar(o´Ω`o)no~~! After 3 years of study at Sake no Wa, I can now drink sake with my entrée 😊. The 🌸 has finished but the 🌷 was in bloom🏠🥰.