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Jikon八反錦 生
しぇり〜Happy Valentine's Day 🙂. My 101st post is... Jikin Hachikan Nishiki ✨ The target for the 4th year of "Sake-no-wa" is Jikin! Jikin's draft sake is... Nigori Sake, Hachitan-Nishiki, Senbon-Nishiki, Yamada-Nishiki, Sake Mirai, Omachi, and Special Junmai. To become a JIKONist, you need to have a complete collection of Nama Sake 😁. I'm thinking of trying it while accumulating points at "Sake-no-Ten Morishita"! Jikon Hachitan-Nishiki Nama ↓↓↓↓ Slightly gassy but quite calm. Delicious in the mouth 🙂. The sweetness is a little subdued and the sour taste is apple? Hmmm. Feels more like pineapple 🤔. If you think it's sweet and sour, the bitterness is just right. And yet it also has a sharpness like a dry sake! This is a very complex and well-balanced sake 😂. Let's all enjoy Valentine's Day tonight ♡.
ポンちゃんHappy Valentine🍫! You're a great guy 😳I'm sure you'll get it 👍✨Good luck with your JIKONist goal 😆One day you'll be in the "club" 😁.
こぞうMiss Shiri Good morning. Wow! Switching from Shinsei to Jikon? From Aramasanist to Zikonist! You will have more titles 😁.
ジェイ&ノビィHello, Mr. Shieri 😃! I'm going to master Shinsei up to 100 bottles, and after that, the next one will be Jikin! You have a great spirit ‼️ You are going to have a tough road ahead of you👍. I'll be rooting for you 👋
遥瑛チチGood evening, Mr. Shieri! I see you've switched from Niimasa to Jikin: ⁉️ Both of them are hard to get, but please show your luck and collect them all 😁.
しぇり〜Good evening, Pon 🙂. I would like to complete the jishin because it has a crazy good reputation... but I need to save up 20,000 yen worth of points to buy one 💦Will someone make a jishin club 🙄.
しぇり〜Good evening, kozo-san 🙂. I'm aiming for the 4th year of Sake no Wa for Jiima! But I haven't gotten around to fire-brewing it 😅. I'll try to post some Nara sake too 🤔
しぇり〜Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🙂. Next to Shinsei, I'm going to switch to Jikin! I'm going to take the plunge and switch to Jikin because of the poor rice harvest this year 🤔It's a pretty tough road, but I'll do my best to keep going 🔥.
しぇり〜Good evening, Haruei Chichi 🙂. I think this year I will drink mainly sake from the west....I can buy Jikin with points so I don't seem to need any special ability 😁 but I will drink Shinsei too 😌.
つぶちゃんHi, Shelli 😄 Oh 〰︎‼️4 year is metaphysics 😆 It's worth your effort (ò_óˇ)ᕤ Go for it! JIKONist❣️ On a side note, our Dora is one of my guesses for Jikon, so I'm doing my best 🤣.
しぇり〜Good evening, Tsubu 🙂. I am aiming for the 4th year 而 now 🙄 I buy with points so no luck factor! If only I had money and a liver I could be a JIKONist 😁.