SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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There is one bottle left in the fridge. However, I felt that one bottle would not go well with tonight's dinner rice, so I went to my neighbor's Yamaya for the first time in a long while. !? The sake section at ...... has been expanded! There is a new refrigerated showcase and this sake was in it. By the way, speaking of Tengumai Tengu Mai is a sake that "warms up" and "matures well. I think many drinkers think of these two things. However, this sake is not far from them. First of all, the freshness of the sake is strong. At the same time, it has a very thick body and superb acidity. Classically dry and Very Rich! And the KIMMY ministry, which always drinks only modern sake, is a great place to start. It's nice to grin with Michyopa and Meruru on your lap (←I have my own image of modern sake), but sometimes it's better like this... I think it's good to get drunk on the knees like in "Yuko Natori (Director: Hideo Gosha)", don't you? If you take it out of the fridge right away, it will have a strong Alc sensation and be a little noisy. So I recommend you to drink it cold. The Alc sensation disappears, and instead, the sweetness and umami expand, blinding the tongue with their unintentional flavors. (I've accumulated a lot of unposted sake...yuck 💦)
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😃. I've been curious about this sake, but I can't get my hands on it because of the image you mentioned 💦Yuko Natori x Hideo Gosha means Yoshiwara flame 🔥Is it like a sexy, sexy knee 🤔?
Kakak!!! Good morning, Mr. Bou 🌄. I think she has a knee like Tori Natori Yuko back then 😁? I think Tengumai is a bit hard to get a hold of, but it's a fresh Junmai sake, right?
Hi, Sakaeran 😀 I was so excited when you said "you're the one who always drinks only modern sake" 😅. I'm going to change my mind and try to enjoy mature women's sake as well 😁.
Aladdin-san, thank you very much 👋 I remember that chuin-san has a large selection of sake suitable for heating 🤔? I'm going to try to make it a "Modern Sake Prohibition Month" or something and go for the MILF type! I'm sure I'll be able to find a good selection 😁.
Hello Mr. Sakeran😃I see you also select like this 🎵I thought you like Michyopa... 😅I love her 🍶 but as you said, Tengu Mai is the image of a beautiful witch 🎵you will be captivated by her 😁💨💨.
Great job, HSQ! Hello, pyon2! The Tengu Mai for warming sake that I drank when Mr. Menshu Ou came to Osaka was also delicious! I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the "Michyopa" ministry or not, but I'm not a fan of the "Wakasugi" ministry. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you for your support this year, sake-run 🐉Yamaya user 🥰.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran! Modern 〰🤣 Yuko Natori in "Yoshiwara hanejo" is in her 20's, she's getting a bit shiny but she still looks young 🤔.
It's my pleasure 👋😇 DearMissUMAI-UMAI
What? He was in his 20s? Well, age is certainly important... 💧. Oh, yeah! Oh, yes! I'd love to see Pon-chan's I'd love to know who your favorite female celebrity is! I'd love to know who your favorite female celebrity is! (But first, I have to drink Tengumai 😇☝)