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Senkinクラシック 無垢純米生酛原酒
Senkin Check-in 1
Senkin Check-in 2Senkin Check-in 3
Souvenirs from Mr. Menshuoh's visit to Osaka Pepper Salmon Mai" is a very tasty ministry. It's a big deal to give it to all of us 🌟! Thank you very much! Dewa immediately! First and second day Cold sake and chilled sake I also got the impression that it depends on the sake cup. However, the end result is as expected. I would say it is a "SENKYO Classic". Oh, yes, let me say this again. What part of "classic" do you not understand? First, a cold sake. The body and the nukiness are not in balance, and the sweet and sour barely control the two. The sweetness and acidity are barely controlled by each other. However, the temperature is raised a little, and this nuka smell becomes a ministry. The whole wine has become more cohesive, I thought, "Just one more roll of the dice and I'll be right at the finish line!" I felt like I rolled the dice just when I was about to reach the finish line. The 2nd day From the modern and cool aroma, it has a sweet taste like a Japanese pear with a large concentration of sweetness and flavor at the price of suppressing the juiciness. Conclusion: "Best to drink cold with a glass of wine after the 2nd day. When I tried to write ......, I was told that last year's Yumachi had no wine glass. I was about to write "there is no wine glass" at last year's Omachi. I can't rely on my salmon-run tongue, but the Pepper Salmon Mai was a wonderful accompaniment, I'm told.
Good evening, salmon orchid 😃. Pepper Salmon Mai, I got it from Noodle-chan too ✨It's so delicious 👌. I heard they are no longer selling it 😢. It's great with sake 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Sake Run 😃. I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊. Salmon Mai, I cried when it was discontinued 😢 Many people want it to be re-released 🙏.
Oh, Zjikon got one too! Good evening, 👋. It's really delicious, isn't it? It's a delicacy that could be sold anywhere around here, but it's "THE Michi-grown ministry". I'm sure it's the one you're looking for.
I'm late to the party, but I'd like to share this with you💦. Good evening, Mr. King of Noodles and Sake! Even if I never taste it again, I will consider myself lucky to be able to taste it at the end of its life.
Good morning, salmon orchid 😃. I'm interested in 👮 Pepper Salmon Mai 👮! I've been wanting to drink Senkou Classic for a long time after reading your comment 🤗Susugasusu! Next stop is the Northern Kanto Relay 🍶 to Ibaraki!
Rafa papa
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran 😃 It's a classic of Sentori 😌Sakeelan-san makes it look like a strong sake... 🤣.
Hi Ran 😊 Exactly as you say 😏. What's so classic about it? We are the generation that thinks "what's so classic about it? And even if they claim to be dry, what's dry about them? I guess 😁. But I forgive it because it tastes so good 😜.
Hello J & Nobby 👋 I see what you mean, Ibaraki - Birch - Tochigi (*next one is also Ibaraki) 😳. I remember there used to be a gradle named Birch in the past 😇(I wonder what her G name was?)
Rafa thank you every time 👋 Thank you very much! Now let's open a bottle of "that thing" gifted to us by the sake god who never looks like a "pervert sake" ✨.
Masha-san, thank you very much 👋 Yes, yes! Dry sake is often tasty without being too much 😆. On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of really dry sake, even when it's raw 💧.
Good morning, Sake Run. ☀️ I know exactly what you mean by "what's so classic about it ⁉︎" 🤣 When I was 20 years old or so, I only had dry sake and I remember drinking it with gusto 🫣.
Maru-san, thank you very much 👋 When I was in my twenties or so, I used to get all excited about Western liquor, even though I couldn't taste it 🤣🤣🤣🤣✌️✨
Good evening Mr. Lan 😃. I've been chomping down on Pepper Salmon Mai in small bites since I heard it was sold out 😅 chewing every bite 🤣. I've never had classic Sentori, I'll have to try it soon 🤔.
Hey there, bou! I really enjoyed the Pepper Salmon Mai! I'm so jealous that you still have some left! I'm still saving the other delicacy though 😁✌️