SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I know you all were worried about me, but my wife, Kaorin, was safely identified as Corona today😅. Now we will be separated at home until the 24th 🤣. I wish I could do something for her, but I work in a medical facility where contact is strictly forbidden 😅. So the question that arose was what to eat tonight😅. After much thinking, I decided to make oden today...I can make it and feed it to her too 😀. The next question was what kind of alcohol should I drink today😅😅. So we set out to find some heated sake to go with the oden 😀. Which restaurant to go to... then I remembered the restaurant that Rafa papa told me about the other day 😀 This was my first visit to this restaurant. It was my first visit to this store and I told the owner that since I was going to drink Oden today, I wanted a sake that would taste good at around 40 degrees Celsius and he recommended this sake 😀. I compared the sake that was boiled in hot water to 40 degrees and the sake that was left chilled, and it was really good heated sake 😀. It tastes a bit hard in the chilled state, but when I heated it up to 40 degrees, the aroma and taste opened up at once 😀. I brought Kaorin a bottle of Otters' amazake as a souvenir 😀.
Good evening, Yasube-san 🦉. I'm sorry Kaorin-san is in pain 😰I hope you feel better soon 🙏. This sake tastes great when heated 😳I want to try it 😁 Let's experiment with other origami 😁.
Good morning, Yasube 😃. Oh my 😫Praying for Kaorin's speedy recovery 😌Oden🍢 and dry sake🍶 is good 😋 we are becoming dry tasters now too😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasube-san 😃I'm so sorry to hear about Kaorin-san. I'm so sorry Kaorin-san 😢I hope your recovery is quick 😊Hata-san's recommendation...was it Boshimaya 😁It's a bit dry so it goes well with heated sake 😋I love it too 🥰.
Thank you, Pon 🙏. It's a little hard for me too when I hear you coughing from the next room😅. This sake had a very high sake level of 10, even for orikarami, so I think it matched well with the warmed sake!
Thank you Jay & Nobby 🙏. I used to cook for myself quite a bit in the past, but I don't do it anymore and my repertoire of what I can make has dwindled 🤣. I think even orikara-mi goes well with heated sake if it has a high sake content 😀.
Thank you Rafa papa 🙏. Thank you for telling us about a good restaurant 🙇‍♀️ I chose this one because heated rice wine is very rare 😀.
Mr. Yasube. Good evening. Oh no, your wife Kaorin has corona...💦Take care of yourself. We've all had it in our family 💦and I've had it twice...the second time was pretty lax on infection control 🤣Healthcare workers have a tough job💦.
Thank you for your concern, kozo-san 🙏. Actually, Kaori-chan and I have both been infected twice at the same time, and this is the third time for Kaori-chan😅. Somehow, I have to avoid it this time 🤣.