SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kumonoiさかほまれ 純米吟醸 生原酒 袋吊り
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Sakegawa Kansai off-line meeting⑳⑳ The last 20 bottles are introduced here 🍶 which I brought myself. The last 20 bottles were brought by us 🍶. Fresh rice aroma, strong umami with a firm mouthfeel, sweetness for Sakahomare, and a bit of a lingering aftertaste 🤔. I was thinking of bringing a different brand of sake, "Hanashoku" until just before the event, but when I explained the purpose of the event to the store where I went to buy the sake, I was told that there was a new sake rice from Fukui called "Sakahomare" that would be good for this event ✨. I'm sorry for the sake that was so minor from the first time I joined the event, but I missed Kuroryu and Bon because they were too standard 😅. All the sakes we drank at the party had their own character and they were all delicious 😋. I was happy to be able to join the party for the first time this time, thank you so much to everyone who joined the party, Pon-chan for inviting me in the first place, and umaimai-san for all your hard work in preparing for the party 😁. This is the marathon of off-line meeting completed ✨. I'll post what I drank at the next meeting and what I drank before I left the next day as a reminder 😆.
Good morning, Jive! A great finish ✨. I enjoyed reading all the posts about your first offline meeting, how you enjoyed it and your thoughts on the numerous sakes 🎵. I'm also intrigued by the new sake rice from Fukui😊.
Hi Gyve. First time commenter, excuse me. ☺️ I enjoyed reading your offline marathon 😆 All your thoughts on the drinks are great 🥰 I will refer to them ❣️
Jive, thanks for completing your offline post 😊. As for the brand name, Sakahomare is a sake rice I had never heard of, so I had to google a lot of things 💦 Thanks for treating me to this still recent rare sake 🙏 It was delicious ❣️
Good evening, Gyve-san😄! Thank you very much for completing the off-line meeting sake impression😊I was able to learn about your thoughts on bringing Kumonoi and felt your love for your hometown Fukui 🥰Let's definitely do it again! Thanks for your hard work 🍶☺️
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 🌛. I managed to upload everything within a week 😁. We had a great time with really nice people 😆. We have a "Kuroryu" brewed with Sakahomare, so please try it 😋.
Good evening, Galilan 🌛. Thank you for your first comment 🙇. It is not accurate as there are many that are drunk and have no notes, but it is encouraging to hear you say so, so thank you. Please keep up the good work!
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌛. I tried to make it as regional as possible and gave preference to Sakahomare in the end, but I was a bit worried if this was the right choice 🤔. There are still other local sake from Fukui, so I will bring some more 😁.
Good evening, Aladdin 🌛. I'm sorry for the mistake in the first impression 😅. I'm still developing Sakahomare, but I hope it suits your palate 😁Let's drink together again 😆.
Hi Jive, good evening 😊. Thank you for your time at the meeting 😋. I was so impressed that you were able to review all 20 of them 🤩I almost didn't get to sit down and talk with you, but I would have loved to drink next to you and hear your thoughts on each one in person 😁.
Hi Masha! Thank you for your time at the meeting ✨ I wanted to at least give you some feedback since some of us didn't get a chance to talk with you after the warm welcome you all gave us 😁. Let's talk and drink next time 😆.
Hi Gyve! Thank you very much for coming from a long way! I think it's true that Koryu and Bon are too standard..." It's true that they are standard ducks, but I guess many of you haven't had them for a few years, haven't you? But it's difficult, isn't it?
Good evening, sake-run🌛. Thank you for your hard work on the offline meeting ✨ You're right, after the meeting was over, I thought about the fact that I forgot that there was a "Kuroryu" and "Bon" brewed with "Sakahomare" as well 😅. I'll keep that in mind next time 🙇.
Hi Gyve, good evening 🌙 Good job on completing your offline post 😊. It is wonderful that you were able to raise all 20 of them. I can feel how much fun you had at the offline meeting 😆♪ Some of the drinks were new to me and very informative 😊.
Hi again, Tsubu! It was all new to me too, so I learned a lot ✨. And they were all delicious 😋.