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Jikon酒未来 生
Today is not a special day but then again 😁. The label has been changed this year and it looks cool! The label also changed from "unfiltered raw" to "raw". I'm going to drink a lot of Jikin this year 🔥. I've been buying Jikin by collecting points at Sake-No-Ten Morishita. My SAKE CABINET is already full 😅 I'm drinking a lot, but I can't keep up 💦. But my repertoire of entrées for drinking sake is growing 🤔. Today we have "Jikin" Sake Mirai ✨. The aroma is mild. But it has a fine quality. The taste is moderately sweet and sour. There is a slight bitterness at the end 🙄. I'm sure it's delicious... but to be honest I'm not sure anymore😅. If I were to use a fruit analogy... Hachitan-Nishiki is like a pineapple. Senbon-Nishiki is a berry type. Yamada Nishiki is a little pineapple. Sake Mirai is about the same pineapple as Yamadanishiki 🤔 Yamadanishiki is clearer and Sake Mirai is a bit more complex 🙄. Next up is the Omachi Nama!
Good morning, Shiri ☀ I didn't know the label had changed 😆 One of the joys of pursuing the same brand is to see the different directions of fruity sensation with different sake rice 😉.
Miss Shiri Good morning... The bright blue label gives a good impression 🤩I've never seen it sold in stores now, so I can't drink it... Hachitan Nishiki was indeed a pineapple 🍍...
Manachy, I think they changed the label and description this year. I need money and speed to drink to collect Jishin 🤔 but I guess I can find my favorite once I compare them 😌 not necessarily the same taste every year though 😅.
Koizo, the labels are all cool ✨. Hachinanishiki is a pineapple, right? Senbonniki must be a berry type, but I didn't know what fruit to compare Yamada Nishiki and Sake Mirai to 😅.
Hello, Ms. Shiri! It would be nice to be able to compare the different drinks without too much time between them! I'd like to see the inside of your SAKE cabin 〰💕!
Hi Shieri 😃. Seems like a lot of people open Jikin on a normal day these days 😅It sure is a clear blue with a cool label 🤩I'll be buying more Jikin but not the other ones 😄. We got some Hachitan-Nishiki the other day too 🍍 but it was 😋.
Good evening, Princess Niimasa👸 and Princess Jishin👸, good evening 🌆. The bright blue label is so cool 👍 I wish I could drink it too...
Good evening, Pon! Once you drink all of them, you can choose and buy from next year! But it's so hard to save up points😅The SAKE Cabi fits like a puzzle and I'm forcing myself to put them in 😁.
Jay & Nobby, drinking Jizikon on a normal day makes it special ✨I wish it were easier to buy, but it's not easy to drink, so I have high hopes for it. Sake usually tastes better when the label is cool 🤔.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 😊. I started Jikin this year, but I'm almost at my limit💦I'll lose my savings if I keep collecting Jikin at this rate😅. The label of Jikin has become so cool!