SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I actually got a souvenir of Corona at the Aoba Festival. Is it too late now... Four days after the positive test, I was free from fever and lethargy, and I could drink now! It's been a while since my last appearance! Backroom deal with Dr. Sake I had been curious about this product for a long time! I never had a chance to pick it up, so I have high expectations for this product because it was purchased from a teacher. The top-tasting aroma is a fruity ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel has a nice sweet acidity, followed by an onrushing umami flavor, a juicy initial hit, a slightly citrusy aftertaste, and finally a clean acidity, bitterness, and a slight astringent taste. The sake is served one after another, one after another. It is delicious! Thank you very much for the sake!
Hi Colonel Lal, ☀️ I'm sorry to hear about your Corona 😰Please don't take it too hard 🙏. Long time no see Sake Sensei! I've been curious about this brand since I've been seeing it in sakewas recently, but it's still delicious 😊👍Sensei, you're right!
Good evening, Ponchan 😁. Corona holiday is only until the beginning of this week and I'm already at work normally 😊. The doctor has a great way of pairing people and drinks and prepares drinks that are 100% addictive 😄 what a special ability, I'm impressed 🤘.
Colonel Lal Good evening. It was a tough Corona. The return drink must be exceptional. I have never had Karahashi before. The level of sake in Fukushima is very high and all of them are delicious.
Hello Colonel Lal 😃 Coronas are so nasty because this is what you get if you're not careful. Please proceed with the disinfection of your body with alcohol to celebrate your recovery 😁.
Hi Colonel Lal 😃. I thought Corona was far away, but I see you are still nearby 🥲Good to hear you had a good cup of sake 😆 Karahashi was served at a restaurant in Fukushima station during GW 🤗.
Sashiu-san good morning 😁. This Karafushi is not from a very famous brewery, but it is a quintessential Fukushima 👍! As a neighboring prefecture, it's frustrating, but I don't think the theory of Fukushima or Yamagata when in doubt will be overturned for the time being 🤘.
Good morning, Chichi 😁. I'm really not so careful 😭this is the first time I got it, but I think it was easier than the flu 😅. Well, from today, I'll start disinfecting, disinfecting, disinfecting again 🤘.
Good morning, J&N 😁. I realized that it is still very familiar to us 😅. After working on Saturday and Sunday, I'm going home to disinfect with alcohol 🤘.
Colonel Lal. I'm sorry to hear that Corona was a tough time. I am glad to hear that it is back. I got hooked on sake after the Corona disaster. I am sure I will have more opportunities to drink sake when the Corona is over and I am back on business trips. I have to sterilize it.
WOM, good morning 😁. I got it this time and the mental damage was more than the physical 😅. I'll have to be careful 😉 I'll be disinfecting diligently tonight too 🤘.